Friday, October 15, 2010

This is how I know...

Read the scriptures, and pray; that is how you can know
So as you probably already know, my whole mission is different than any others.  The prominent way that I find people to teach about the gospel, is through the chats coming from  Now not every person that I talk to asks when the can get baptized and all the questions that would be that "golden" investigator; rather I get hundreds even thousands of those who also want to argue and bash, or try to prove something to me. And then there are the questions along the lines of "prove to me that God exists....."; I know beyond any shadow of a doubt (no matter how cliché that may sound, it is true!)...
There is so much that I have had in my life that has stood as evidence for me that God is there, and in showing His limitless love for us. From my family and close loved ones, to the joy that man things bring.  Yet there are a couple things that have stood out predominant in how I know that God is there.  First being the way that the Holy Ghost has testified to me that God is there, and how innate and deeply it helps me it simply KNOW. Often, people ask if I or others simply misjudge the Spirit, convincing oneself that it is our mind forcing to feel what we want, but the feelings that the Spirit brings, are stronger than anything else, and beyond comparison or express description. When we have the Spirit with us, there are fruits of the Spirit, just as a tree produces fruit so as to then see and know what it comes from, so too does the Spirit bring those to us as we feel the Spirit's presence.  "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance..." (Galatians 5:22-23).  This is an apostle of God, Paul, explaining some of how we can recognize the Spirit.  And yet these words do not fully describe what you can feel from the Spirit.  As I have prayed and asked God, as I have studied scriptures, and sincerely searched to know, I have felt so powerfully the Spirit, and undeniable conviction that comes with it to the things that I seek to know if they are true.  And even before I came to the age and time where I wanted to know for myself, beyond what my parents and others said they knew to be true, there were insatiable feelings and knowledge deep within me.  One thing that I have always just felt and know to be true, is that families are meant to be forever and that there has to be and is more than just this life, that we will have the chance to live with our families and loved ones.  I knew that God was there, just deeply knew, and never really had the question to doubt, because I already knew.  Knowing that God is our Heavenly Father, that He is there to lead and guide us and shows forth miracles, and that He truly does have a plan for us, isn't something that can adequately give faith simply by another's testimony, but rather something that each and everyone of us must come to know for ourselves.  

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